The best Horror movies of the last 10 years (updated every year)
C = Comedy-Horror
G = Extra Gory
S = Genuinely Scary
FX = Awesome Special Effects
1. Let The Right One In (2009)
2. 28 Days Later (2002) Final year on list
3. Shaun of the Dead (2004) C
4. The Host (2006) FX
5. A Tale of Two Sisters (2004)
6. Switchblade Romance/High Tension (2003) G
7. Martyrs (2009) G
8. The Orphanage (2008) S
9. [REC] (2007) S
10. Inside (2007) G
11. Zombieland (2009) C
12. Dark Water (original/2003) S
13. Drag Me To Hell (2009) C/FX
14. Black Swan (2010)
15. Cloverfield (2008)
16. Thirst (2009)
17. House of the Devil (2009)
18. Silent House (original/2010) S
19. 13: Game of Death (2007)
20. The Descent (2005) G
21. The Mist (2008)
22. La Horde (2010)
23. Dawn of the Dead (2004/remake)
24. Rare Exports (2011)
25. The Woman (2011)
Honourable Mentions: The Devil's Rejects (2005), Planet Terror (2007), Slither (2006), Splice (2010), Daybreakers (2010)
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